Expanding System Capacities for Shared Housing

The Shared Housing Institute develops tools, resources and trainings on effective shared housing practices. Our work is built from the strength of partnerships. We engage with organizations, experts, and communities to collectively expand this housing option to prevent and end homelessness.

Shared Housing

is when two or more people live together and share common space in temporary or permanent housing. SHI promotes shared housing as a critical permanent housing solution to end homelessness.

Training Topics Include

Landlord Engagement.

Trainings include tools and strategies to motivate landlord participation in shared housing; utilizing incentives, risk mitigation funds, landlord support processes - learning how to “sell” shared housing to landlords.

Messaging Shared Housing.

Normalizing and re-framing the client conversation about shared housing at CES, diversion, shelter, RRH and PSH intake points. Experiential trainings on how to market shared housing, including de-bunking misconceptions, with intensive staff capacity building.

Housemate Match Process.

Based on expert shared housing programs, standardize a roommate match approach that incorporates client messaging, roommate ‘deal breakers’, negotiation strategies, and the building of staff capacity to launch a positive shared living experience.

Housing Stabilization.

Building from a roommate agreement, with the goal of permanent housing, the stabilization process supports client capacities to identify, mediate, and facilitate conflict resolution. Learn from shared housing experts how to promote multi-sector support networks for long-term tenancy.

Client Choice.

Client choice is at the center of all effective shared housing programs. Clients have the choice to enter and exit shared housing placements, are supported in their individual goals and barriers around housing stability, and met with dignity and choice at every stage.

Leadership Commitment.

Establishing sustained leadership support for increasing shared housing options is the foundation of system-wide success. Leaders at all levels are involved in training, shared housing policy and implementation to rapidly create housing options that end homelessness.